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Continuous Learning Units™ (CLU™)

Continuous Learning Units™ (CLU™)

Continuous Learning Units (CLU™) are credits earned by APF Certified members contributing to community and self-development through continuous learning. Each CLU™ hour is equivalent to one hour.


[Max 400 allowed to claim]
  • Conferences
  • Speaking/Organizing/Volunteering
  • Webinars/Meetups/Workshops
  • APF Certification Training* and Coaching**


[Max 50 allowed to claim]
  • Blogs/Articles
  • Podcasts
  • Infographics
  • Authoring books

Learning & Development

[Max 10 allowed to claim]
  • Reading a book (Max 2 books for claim)
  • Attending other trainings
  • Conference – Attending only***


*Training roster of your participants will be used to calculate CLU™ (1 participant = 1 credit)
**Coaching hours roster template is available under Member Portal (1 hour = 1 credit, max allowed 100 credits)
*** Conference – Attending only (1 hour = 1 credit, max allowed 100)


Continuous Learning Units (CLU™) are credits earned by APF Certified members contributing to community and self-development through continuous learning. Each CLU™ hour is equivalent to one hour.

The above Categories table provides details on the CLU™ you can earn for each activity – Events, Contribution, Learning/Development/Others

CLU™ can be reported by submitting a detailed Excel sheet available under your member area.

Yes, definitely. Agile PeopleOps leadership believe in “Continous Learning”, “Giving back” and “Contributing” to make the world a little better for organizations and people. As a reward, all your reported CLU™ can be converted into equivalent dollar ($) amount to get credits towards – renewal of membership or discount towards next level of certifications.
Certifications Max CLU™ (available for credits)
APF Certified PeopleOps Coach™ (APF CPC™) 450
APF Certified People Leader™ (APF CPL™) 75
APF Certified Talent Leader™ (APF CTL™) 75
APF Certified PeopleOps Specialist™ (APF CPS™) 50
APF Certified Talent Champion™ (APF CTC™) 50

No. You need to be APF Certified professional (current or expired certificate) to claim credits for your CLU™.

Certification help email id is the best way to reach out to membership team to ask any further questions.

Yes. For each participant you train, you receive 1 credit hours which you can claim towards your certification renewal.

No. CLU™ are an individual activity and hence it is applicable only to your membership & certification benefits.

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