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NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK, USA, September 14, 2023

EINPresswire.com/ — Agile PeopleOps is thrilled to announce its pioneering virtual global conference, “The PeopleOps Pulse 2023.” Scheduled from October 10-12, 2023, this innovative event is designed exclusively for HR and People Operations professionals from around the globe.

The world of business is evolving at an unprecedented rate. Amid this change, HR and People Operations are at the forefront, helping organizations navigate the waves of transformation. The PeopleOps Pulse 2023 is a timely initiative that focuses on guiding organizations to ACE their game: Achieving business Agility, adopting Coaching as a pivotal practice, and Elevating the overall people experience.

Across three half-days of immersive learning, attendees will have the opportunity to:

In addition to these core learnings, the conference will provide a robust platform for international experts to share their compelling stories, shed light on current trends, and introduce groundbreaking concepts in people operations. Attendees will not only expand their knowledge horizons but also build a global network. The event promotes open networking, allowing attendees to connect with both like-minded and diverse professionals from different parts of the world. Through these interactions, participants can share ideas, draw inspiration, and learn collectively.

The success of an organization in this ever-changing landscape is deeply intertwined with its people. Our aim with this conference is to empower HR and PeopleOps professionals with the knowledge and tools they need to steer their organizations towards greater success,” stated [Spokesperson’s Name], [Position] at Agile PeopleOps.

Mark your calendars and be a part of this game-changing virtual conference – the first of its kind, tailored especially for HR & PeopleOps professionals, leaders, consultants, and coaches.

Event Details:

Date: October 10-12, 2023
Format: Virtual
Target Audience: HR & PeopleOps professionals, leaders, consultants & coaches To register or for more details, visit https://www.peopleopspulse.com.

About Agile PeopleOps

Agile PeopleOps LLC, USA is a creator of Agile PeopleOps Framework, which helps organizations harness the power of Human Centric design practices, and craft innovative Human Capital strategies that will revolutionize organization’s transformation journey from “Traditional HR” to Agile PeopleOps. Agile PeopleOps seamlessly blend Business Agility with HR excellence and master the art of devising and driving HR programs such as Employee Engagement, Employee Experience, Talent Acquisition, Coaching Initiatives, and Performance Optimization. The Mission of Agile PeopleOps is to help Organizations to transform from Traditional HR to Agile People operations to support dynamic nature of modern workplaces leading to higher employee engagement.

Agile PeopleOps LLC

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